Tuesday, December 31, 2013
无形中我不再为了 自己而活,我不在没有观众的舞台上表演。
所以我想告诉所有读这篇文章的人:无需羡慕他人,你有自己的精彩。永远不要 输掉自己。
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Original post : http://www.douban.com/note/229842721/
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
weird me.
but it's too late.
so.... Hari Raya holiday ends.
idk what feelings should I have right now. okay to be honest. i don't actually feel blue for the reopening of school. i remembered last year i was so down when it came to schooling days. well most probably is because of pmr and those trials that made me exhaust . this year form 4. okay everything becomes tougher but we don't have to sit for any important government test. so except some small tests, coming to school is just like a piece of cake. without stress and i'm enjoying. homework? yah our teachers don't actually give us loads of homework, and if yes, i always do it last minute /./
mummy says i have to stop to be a perfectionist. nobody is perfect.
but seriously....am not interest for 'perfection'.
i am just... dream big. for you only lived once.
like, if you have a dream. then why not dream for the biggest and furthest?
Saturday, August 10, 2013
if one day my dreams come true.
i wish i would never forget who is there be with me even in the darkest days of my life.
i wish i would never forget people who help me and motivate me along the way of pursuing my dreams.
i wish i would never forget to thanks and praise the Lord, for everything i have is given by Him.
总不能 流血就喊痛 怕黑就开灯 想念就联系 疲惫就放空 被孤立就讨好 脆弱就想家 不要被现在而蒙蔽双眼 终究是要长大 最漆黑的那段路终要自己走完 现在的这些那些也将会被时间抛在脑后 所以 不要害怕。@weibo
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
I'd rather have a life of 'OH WELLS' than a life of 'WHAT IFS.'
and it is pretty true. for me. i realised that i am that kind of person that if i decided to do something, then i will strain every nerve to perform best and if i don't want to do something, i won't get start. not even a little try. my mum said, i am so 'legalistic' (and this is definitely not a compliment) . but. but something stubborn in me wouldn't let me change. because.... we only live once. i just don't want to make myself feeling guilty. okay so a little sharing anyway, and happy hari raya aidilfitri to everyone! :)
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
everything passes so rapidly. like everything.
and unbelievably i had gone through half of my form 4 life.
form 4 subjects stink, and stressful. but with God i managed to walk through... God's power is just wonderful.
i tell myself, i want to pray more from now on. make sure everyday read the bible also.
so looking through this half of the year, there were, indeed lots of tough situations i had been. but now when looking back, those times aren't that bad. i mean, so that i always remember not to rely on myself, but give all the worries to Him and let Him lead my way.
sometimes i feel God is not with me, but that is not the truth. this is only my feeling. the truth is that, He is with me. without God, without me...
Friday, June 28, 2013
best piano version of the opening of shingeki no kyojin so far in youtube.
She is my idolww
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
I... love piano.
I enjoy playing the piano, but I hate piano exam. When something is related with "scores " "marks "."accomplishment " then I basically hate that thing.
But if don't have exam, we would never know where we stand... perhaps? But for what I know, there is always things that exam can't prove.
Btw, in the middle of practicing piano. Bye now!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
meet many new friends there. also, learn more about being a daughter of God. :3
and we had a something like quiz to know more about our identities.
and the result shows out that i am a truly perfectionist. e.e
i hate my this identity, which ruins my mood when i can't achieve my goals in doing things. sigh...
it is normal for we human beings to be imperfect, and it is horribly impossible to be perfect in everything.
one thing i realised about myself is that, i am really BADDDDD in communicating with people.
like, i had a hard time trying to be natural and smile because was too nervous when facing people that i barely know .___.
i'd always wish that i could communicate with people naturally but... i just don't know what to say when facing people i don't know. ;_; and this caused me a lot of problems since i was small because, people would think that i am a proud, ego and cold-blooded person. how people thinking of me, i can't actually help much but. it is really important to learn to communicate and get along with people.
in the camp also we had discussed about life and some topics like future and death. i mean i am really afraid of death sometimes, not myself but when this happens in my family, relatives. and about future, in fact i had a blueprint for my future just that i ain't sure if those dreams can come true.
till then, i am still trying and struggling to make my life better, so that everything i do can glorify His name.
thank you, God.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Shingeki no kyojin (Attack on Titans) or 进击的巨人 in chinese.
err the story plot.
it is about a place where there are giants who eat human beings.
so to prevent human from eating from those giants, over hundred years they had built high, hard and concrete walls to prevent the giants to attack them.
so years by years, human beings live in peacefulness, but however the day comes. the day where giants destroy the wall and invade human beings. . .
the anime is pretty exciting and awesome and cool! love it very much.
and there are also a lot of sad scenes in this anime, especially when Eren (main character)'s mother been swallowing by one of the nasty giants. ;_;
some anime scenes here :
when the giants about to eat human beings. (( see they are TALLER than normal houses and buildings goshhh)
ok honesty this giant freaks me out -.= he(i supposed?) is even BIGGER than those normal giants... asdfghj can't imagine lollol.
MIKASA :3 i love the way she tries to protect Eren.
although Eren have a life in the concrete walls, he never stop dreaming. he just want to discover the world that outside the walls. this make me have a feeling like, even though some of us might get stuck in some states that make us unable to do things that we want, things that we like, however, never stop dreaming and trying. don't get stuck in your own concrete walls.
k bye!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
update 2
1. you please stop taking everything as granted okay?!
2. don't expect me to be something, or somebody.
Happy holiday!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
finally, exam over. i can't actually follow back my daily routine after the exam e.e
idk. but the exam made me feels like i had been suffering in something for a long long period of time. it made me feel so exhausted and energy-consuming. i mean, it is like. no matter how much you read, but when you are in the exam hall, for a moment you felt your brain went blank. that frustrations. i know right. e.e
holiday is coming soon. still not having even a plan for my holiday. piano exam is around the corner, and am really concern about this exam. hopefully in this two-weeks-holiday i could do something, to improve and to wisely use my time.
that's all.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
exam is coming. and...it is such a big gap between form 3 and form 4. i know right e.e has been studying for some while, but really can't understand and concentrate don't know why.
physics is still killing me as usual, and i am somehow giving up this stupid subject. ;_;
add maths... yes no maybe. history... whatever haha =.=
tomorrow is the country election .
hope our country get a good leader.. and.
please give us one more holiday on Monday please T.T
Thursday, April 18, 2013
because people may get hurt by what you think is okay to say - you never know.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please. - avril lavigne @ anything but ordinary
i made a big mistake. i'm dead this time. i don't know how serious is the problem, until i found out myself....
and i had not even a single excuse to escape. if given me a chance, then i will... opps no. this is reality. thats no such thing called reverse. wake up. so what can i do now ?
Friday, April 5, 2013
happy birthday to my dearest brother::
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
because we have less subjects to study in class today (like, one subject double periods)
and i don't have even a single tuition today! i really hate going to tuition because a lot of time wasted in transportation (since my house is quite far away)
yesterday was april fool day. surely, i got fooled. ._.
and i was totally clueless about that (ignorant??)
so... i guess this will be a short post of things happened in these few days.
bye now!:)
lastly, a picture which is obviously unrelated with the post :
the wondrous(?) cupcakes.
from weibo.com |
Sunday, March 31, 2013
a random post
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good Friday
"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5
Monday, March 25, 2013
and this cause me a lot of problems... and sometimes make things worse.
i hate myself being like that. oh come on. stop it please.
from this morning till now, i doing nothing. well at least nothing good for me. eat sleep and daydream. -_- sigh... so this is all i wanted for my holiday? exactly no. just that i am lazy to do everything except doing nothing (epic?lol)
i feel the insanity in me. due to over-boring o.O
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
spirited away
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i do not own this photo. this is not the original picture of the movie. |
Thursday, March 21, 2013
happy holiday! ;)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
So I said I hate growing up. You see the real colour of this world, and ... it does not as colourful as what you've imagined. That was preposterous that I was once thinking to grow up faster. (...) How I miss those old days when we know nothing about future.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
As I always know things change from time to time. But when it comes to myself, I found that I can't quite accept the truth. I know people changed and we will never get those memories back. But still....
Friday, March 1, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
yep this is a monthly test. in fact i told myself just try my best. but this few days i feel a spasm of fear, which is indescribable. this is because i really hate the feeling of dont-know-how-to-do during a test.
we have physics and english test tmr. i hate physics.
and i know i will be really tired tmr. because afternoon we have co-curriculum activity, which is really useless and boring and annoying and time wasting. and then night continue add maths ttn that i need to put my 101% to concentrate and learn. ._. and back home still have to revise chemistry. then tuesday we have sejarah and bc paper.
i hate busy life. :\\\ little did i know that f4 life can be such exhausting.
but so what. no choice. move on.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
到最后,你发现说真话容易犯错,便不再说话;你发现愤怒、轻视与得意时都会影响人际关系,便省略表情;你发现手舞足蹈会影响形象,便不再做任何夸张动作---你终于活得如同一部人类学行为规范,去掉了表情,隐藏了情绪,不带一丝人气,成了橡皮人。 - copied from weibo. Com
Saturday, February 16, 2013
and i was like
everything starts again : clubs, ttn, homeworks, test. (...)
worst thing is i have bio test on monday. and haven't finish studying x.x
the whole chinese new year is, umm fine. but i realised that what i love about cny is the day BEFORE cny. the feeling of excite and elate. but when it comes to the first day of cny, tired. my house usually open house on the first day. it is fun to have your friends and relatives with you, eating talking and all that. but after that, the cleaning up process can be pretty exhausting. usually my work is wiping windows and doors that have finger marks and food on them, and mopping the floor. my parents, they are extremely tiring after serving so many guests, so they usually don't help out for the clean up thingy.
however, cny is officially ended for us students. but cny mood can never goes... sigh -_-'''
bye now.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
you got me wrong.
just that : i do my part as a daughter. but why can't you try to accept my opinions ?
Monday, February 11, 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Spent more time on God.
Be myself.
Family healthy.
Everyone's happy.
Be a better person.
Ilovemyfamily♣... forever and always.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
festive mood orz
and then new year!
i love the way our family can reunion together, talking with each others, and enjoy the moments.
and... i hope all my family members: daddy mummy bro sistas grandpa can live healthily and happily throughout this year. and we can carry on no matter how life brings us down. and i wish i can spend more time listen to God's words and pray to Him.
still. 1 week to go. 1 week study kuat kuat then holiday! x.x
don't compromise .
Sunday, January 27, 2013
;_; ;_;
it looks like i am the only one who is still blur blur in my class.
add maths is driving me crazy, starting from the stupid composite functions and blah blah blah...
maths... my maths is always slow.
bm... never listen in class.
bc and bi.... still ok.
bio... stuck at chapter 2.
chemistry... ok.
physics... idkidkidkidk.
and i don't know why, add maths is easily forgotten. if i don't do add maths exercise one day, the next day i forget everything and need to start again. (sigh...)
anyway. i will try my best to do what i can. i hope by doing more exercises, it does help.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
these days i am getting really lazy. i don't finish my homework, don't pass up my homework in time, sleep the whole afternoon, watching drama and playing the piano the whole night. plus going to tuitions. dang. a day gone. i don't know why, but i am really... feels like i need to take a rest on my own. too many things happened this few weeks, and all that drove me crazy and made me feeling so tired and exhausted. things go wrong but i still want to continue to believe in God.
tmr is sunday. a whole new busy week starts all over again. fighting:::
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
and i just absent for 1 day, but the homework are hilly high. which is, yeah... superb.
i can't believe that my tuesday night that is supposed to be relax (because no ttn!) can turned into such miserable. i spent whole night finishing my school homeworks. i don't understand why we need to copy essays from essay book. i hate copying, this work is lousy and never help much in writing essay (my opinion). and what makes it worse is that those sample essays are all very long winded... this is not the problem. the main problem is that if the essay is long, we need to copy more.
now is already 12:23am, which i am pretty sure my so called 'beautiful tuesday' is officially ended.
but it is ok, as long as thursday is a holiday for students.
thats all for today. ;;
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The road not taken
I have to carry on. No matter what. No matter how///
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
what i want to say is that I really thanks God for leading me in this 15 years and, although there was lots of difficult times in the past (and in the future as well), i hope i can trust in God more and never give up.
&i feel grateful that my family is healthy, my friends are all fine.
so... some photos here :
(photos taken by phone.)
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This cake is from pastor!:) |
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rain drops on the car windows. slightly edited with blue colour effects... |
i'm turning 16. i want to be a better person::
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Looking in the mirror, what do I see ?
I see me, for me, and not what I used to be. - written by Han_Man
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Saturday, January 5, 2013
went for three tuitions in one day. and if you ask me what is the feeling, actually it is pretty exhausting.
but finally. thanks to my tuition teachers, i can more or less know what f4 Chemistry, physics and sejarah are talking about.
am elated. my bro and sis are coming back! homecoming*
and, for 6 weeks! which means more than 1 month i can have them with me!
i miss them so much ;_; and finally.
what makes me happier is that they are able to celebrate my birthday together and my sis's birthday.
thats all for today. bye now!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
ok. third day of school. it is sorta like stepping into a brand new 'world'. everything is different, for sure. and science subject separated become 3 respective subject.
actually the really busy life haven't started yet. and loll i am still in holiday mood sighs. nah, i don't wanna make everything so complicated. my dad always tell me to take things lightly and simple. when i was young i was not sure what he is trying to express. but now... i think i can slightly understand it.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
new year
KL trip was pretty fun, even though the whole trip was tiring.
oh come on. i hate my guts.