Sunday, January 27, 2013

;_; ;_;

so the school has started like about 1 month, and i am still unable to follow what teachers teach.
it looks like i am the only one who is still blur blur in my class.
add maths is driving me crazy, starting from the stupid composite functions and blah blah blah...
maths... my maths is always slow.
bm... never listen in class.
bc and bi.... still ok.
bio... stuck at chapter 2.
chemistry... ok.
physics... idkidkidkidk.

and i don't know why, add maths is easily forgotten. if i don't do add maths exercise one day, the next day i forget everything and need to start again. (sigh...)
anyway. i will try my best to do what i can. i hope by doing more exercises, it does help.


  1. Do not give up, keep trust in Lord, be determined and stead-fasted.

    Maths and Add Maths require a frequent practices and a sheer understanding. Doing practices is the only way to conquer them. But first of all, do make sure that you have clearly understood the things that you have came across before doing any exercise.

    Bio and Chem require memorisation and comprehension. Revise frequently and memorise the important scientific terms. Sometimes, chem needs a little imagination.

    Physics is the contrary of Bio and Chem. Just like maths and add maths, a regular practices are necessary, but most importantly, understand a specific subject completely and not just merely cramp all the facts in your brain as for Physcis, understanding is more important then memorisation. Thinking skill which is an important element can be achieved by doing further research on the facts that you have came across and do always think out of the box.

    For language subjects, focus on the essay part. If possible, try to spare time to write an essay for each subject each week and hand up them to your teacher. I found out that that's an efficient way to enhance your writing skill.

    Most importantly, have faith in the Almighty God, think positively(don't be panic),be hardworking and determined.

    If you have came across any mistake and trouble, don't be worry as we human learn from mistakes and troubles.

    Cheers, 1, 2, 3, smile :-) Haha
    You look good while smiling.

    1. hi jason! thanks for your comment and suggestions. well i will try my best. but now getting lazy because new year is around the corner(!) .thanks again here. God bless! :)

    2. Haha, don't stress yourself, we must enjoy life as well, xD See you o n the coming CNY yea :-)
