Thursday, June 27, 2013


so.. time flies. 
few days more, July! 1st of July is my dearest granpa's 80th birthday, and 13rd of July is my dad's birthday. 
and 7th of July my sister brother coming back. Seriously... i am exciting :) 

this month goes pretty fast. holidays, exams... 
about my piano exam. overall was okay, i supposed, but i still think that i had done better when i practised at home. but it is okay, since i had try my best :) 
and i just realise how much i love the piano. the music. and the gentle sounds of piano keys! it is amazing. 

thanks God that although life may have ups and downs, He leads me all the way so that when i fall, i can stand up again. 

bye now. 


  1. congrats on 我行我素 :D hehe

    1. thank you... :) and thanks for visiting my blog, you are my constant reader T.T Thank you~
